
26 Movie Reviews

6 w/ Responses


Who could believe that a movie that started out kinda crummy could end up being so good. Not good enough for the top 50, but a great start towards there. There is definately skill in this movie, plus my music is in it =P TAKE THAT CHESDERMAN! Lol, anyways good job.

PS. Interactivity is always a 2 or less if it's just the play button.

I love this series

Not only do I love this series for the pure creativity, but the fact that you keep using my audio lol. Anyways, votes wise, Sailor Moon from Ramuh, and Megaman from Ifrit. Blah I have too many reasons as to why they should be gone. Anyways, continue to use my audio, and continue this great series! Ciao!

Hell-Fire responds:

will do.ur music is great. Thanks for votes and review


I can be harsh with criticism, so don't worry. It is a fine piece of work, but I really don't like watching previews for movies unless they'll come out a few days later. However, this is just a personal opinion. I love the idea of using flash document icons as characters, but the style's been done many times before you. Maybe by using different document icons as different characters, it'd make it more creative. The humor was good, I really enjoyed using Fulp as the Architect. The animation wasn't spectacular, to the LF level. However, it was drawn pretty decent. The one thing I've noticed with a lot of these Matrix spoofs is the fact that the audio is always directly out of the sound track. You left the track with that, which makes it more creative. Maybe you could check out some audio from the Audio Portal (hint hint). As for interactivity, I always give movies a low score for that since there isn't much of it. Maybe in the final product you could include a bar to control playback, quality, etc. I look forward to this movie, but I don't like watching previews. Good job though!
DJ_XBrav Ratings:

Story: 9/10
Suspense: 8/10
Humor: 9.5/10
Creativity(animation): 9/10
Creativity(characters): 10/10
Creativity(style): 7/10


Overall Score: 8.75/10


I liked it, though I didn't enjoy the fact that I could identify everything in the game (ie/ Barret's village music in FFVII) The sprites from Little Fighter 2 were excellently ripped, and I love the fact that you used orcs in it. BGs are excellent, animation is really decent, lol you used the music from Matrix Reloaded Neo vs the thousand Smiths. This is one of those parody series that takes a jab at a game that people haven't played in years. Lol the Turks music. The one complaint I do have is the fact that you didn't give credits to Nobuo Uematsu for the music, but in this case it can be overlooked, since most likely he ain't gonna see this site ever, plus lol this entire site really is breaking copyright =P. Great job again!

MaxR responds:

I can see why you can identify all teh music, you made so many music in NG (i chcked your profile). Hmm.. I porpusely put popular music, because I didn't want people to be unfamiliar with some songs and not like it. I credited the song's name in my credits, I only forgot to put FF7 - The Turks. Anyways thanks for watching.

Bloody Hell

I haven't seen Benny Hill in ages lol. I love the cheap humour in this! Dear god my british blood is coming out... Good job! I'd just have it end somewhere rather than a perminent loop.

God man

Your shit is so damn funny! It makes no sense, but has the weirdest things in it. Lol it's hilarious. Me and ChEsDeRmAn are still laughing at the fat Mario in your Audio Portal 4 flash movie! Keep it up, I'll do any remix for you anytime!

Not bad

Here's how I rated it:
Graphics: 7 because the animation was great, but the egg carton that moved sorta wrecked it
Style: 5 because there's so much clay animations out there, but the movement was quite smooth.
Sound: 7 becuase it's my song, but the sound quality was terrible.
Violence: 0 because there was none
Interactivity: 1 becuase there was a play button (and you were lucky to get that)
Humor: 4 because a guy that stands up and dies is a warped sense of humour
Overall: 6 because you sacrificed audio quality for video quality.

Suggestion: Next time make the video in an AVI and submit it elseware. This flash film proved that you can open Newground's default flash file and import a video file. Newgrounds is more a community of flash animation rather than clay. Try flash animation, it seems you have the patience and skills for animation.

Daedalus responds:

thanx for the review Xbrav! and thanks for all that feedback. and to be honest with you the audio quality sux ass because i had no choice but to compress to a point where it didn't so so good, to keep it under 5 megs.


It's the pure fact that there are so many tetris clones out there. Lol it's a tetris music video... DO PONG!

I'm Still Laughing

Okay LF you're brilliant lol. My friends and I quote the Billy sketch at the Train stations and really piss ppl off lol it was brilliant and I can't wait for the next Matrix film to come out!

BTW The piano song in the chase is the second part of the slideshow in FF8 (I fell across it when I was listening to the soundtrack =D)


It was pretty good

One major complaint: Next time animate the mouths rather than using continuous loops. It was great otherwise.

BTW I'm not sure if Weird Al did do the beer song becuase it was never available on an album but I gave the sound a 9 because it is very close to the original quality MP3.

Icredible job on the drunk animation! Small loading time. I say bring out more!

Thank you all for your support. I'm still working avidly on music so stay tuned for further tracks!

Age 37, Male


High School

Calgary, Alta

Joined on 6/20/02

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